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Published On 2/17/2025
MCA is now accepting nominations for seats on its Board of Directors and on MCF's Board of Trustees.
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Published On 6/23/2024
On June 20th, the Greater Tysons Citizens Coalition (GTCC) hosted a public safety meeting with support from MCA's Public Safety Liaison that featured presentations by representatives from Fairfax County’s fire, rescue and police departments.
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Published On 6/7/2024
MCA seeks the Board of Supervisors' endorsement of County Staff's proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment to update the ‘For-Sale Workforce Dwelling Unit (WDU)’ policy and programs.
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Published On 6/6/2024
Co-hosted by MCA and Dranesville Supervisor Jimmy Bierman, Sam Simon's powerful play was a standing-room only hit in Mclean.
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Published On 6/5/2024
MCA supports additional regulations for data centers in Fairfax County.
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Published On 5/20/2024
McLean Citizens Association Presents Teen Character Award at McLean Day

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Published On 5/15/2024
We were all caught off guard in January when Virginia State Senator Dave Marsden (Burke) introduced a bill to build a casino in Tysons. Through the efforts of MCA and others, we successfully got the casino bill tabled. The Bill is Not Dead. Sen. Marsden vows to bring it back in January 2025. We won’t be caught off-guard in 2025!
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Published On 5/7/2024
In what has become a well-attended annual event, on April 24th MCA co-hosted with McLean Community Center a free two-hour public safety discussion focused on issues of particular interest to seniors.
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Published On 4/23/2024
Owners who allow running bamboo to spread to neighboring properties risk fines.
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Published On 3/20/2024
On March 6, 2024, the MCA Board of Directors adopted a resolution supporting a plan by KM Hotels LLC and Cityline Partners to build a Hilton Hotel at the Westgate Block on Scotts Run on Anderson Road at Route 123. a that will be developed by the applicants.
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Published On 3/20/2024
At its March 6, 2024 meeting, the MCA Board of Directors approved an application by T&M McLean Ventures to replace six, low-rise, office buildings in McLean Professional Park with a five story, 104-unit, multifamily condominium building, including 12-units of workforce housing. Four of the original office buildings in the park will remain. The applicant will underground utilities, improve the streetscape and amenities and create a .3-acre urban park. The development will preserve existing trees and increase the 10-year tree canopy by 42% over what exists currently.
The switch from office to residential use will reduce the average number of daily vehicle trips from 830 to 473.
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Published On 3/20/2024
On March 6, 2024, the MCA Board of Directors approved a letter urging Chairman Jeffery McKay and the Board of Supervisors (BOS) to ask Washington Gas to delay constructing a high-pressure, natural gas, transmission pipeline through Pimmit Hills. The letter noted that in December 2023 the Board of Supervisors had asked county staff to provide options for amending the Zoning Ordinance to regulate or prohibit such transmission lines in residential neighborhoods. BOS action was precipitated by an October 12, 2023, Fairfax County Circuit Court ruling that the pipeline was not subject to the county zoning code.

The letter asked the Board to act quickly since construction on the pipeline could begin on April 1. It also asked the BOS to expedite consideration of changes in the Zoning Ordinance. MCA joined the Pimmit Hills Citizens Association (PHCA) in requesting a delay. According to the PHCA, the pipeline would be 24 inches wide and operate up to 325 pounds per square inch of pressure.
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Published On 3/16/2024
The MCA and Supervisor Bierman’s Office co-hosted the annual Budget Town Hall on March 11. The purpose of these town halls is to provide residents with an opportunity to learn and ask questions about the County’s and school system’s proposed budgets for the next fiscal year. If you missed the Budget Town Hall, you can watch the videotape. Go to the MCA Video Library ( or click on "Read More" to access a link to the recording.

This year’s Town Hall included six panelists from the County and Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). County panelists were Supervisor Jimmy Bierman, County CFO Christina Jackson, and Phil Hagen, the director of the County’s Department of Management and Budget. FCPS panelists were School Board member Robyn Lady, FCPS Superintendent Michelle Reid, and FCPS CFO Leigh Burden. The Town Hall was moderated by Louise Epstein, the MCA Budget & Taxation Committee chair.

This year, FCPS is asking for a 10.5% increase from the County, .....
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Published On 3/16/2024
Fairfax County employees participate in one of three pension plans, for police (PORS), fire fighters and sheriffs (URS) and other County employees (ERS).

County contributions to these pension plans have skyrocketed, while unfunded liabilities rose from close to zero in 2000 to over $3.5 billion as of June 30, 2023. The County now pays about twice as much towards reducing unfunded liabilities than it pays to prefund pension benefits earned in the current year; unfunded liabilities are like credit card debt that increases despite monthly payments.

Burgeoning contributions to the pension plans have already required the County to spend less on other programs and/or raise taxes, and are likely to have more impact in future years.

After the Virginia General Assembly realized that it had similar problems with the Virginia Retirement System (VRS), the General Assembly commissioned plain-English reports that led the General Assembly to take several steps that have improved the .....
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Published On 2/23/2024
On February 21, 2024, the McLean Citizens Association (MCA) hosted a citizen information event regarding the Fairfax County programs that are intended to reduce speeds on neighborhood roads through traffic calming measures and to reduce cut-through traffic. Officials from Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) provided an overview of these programs and answered numerous questions from the many citizens who attended.

FCDOT explained that the Fairfax County Residential Traffic Administration Program uses the following tools to decrease the impacts of traffic and enhance safety in area neighborhoods:

* Traffic Calming (e.g., installation of speed humps and speed tables to slow traffic)
* Cut-Through Mitigation, which can include restrictions on turns during commuting hours
* $200 Fine for Speeding Signs
* Watch for Children (WFC) Signs
* Through Truck Restrictions
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Published On 2/21/2024
On February 7, 2024, the McLean Citizens Association’s Board of Directors adopted a resolution opposing a rezoning application for Arbor Row, Block C2 because of the developer’s unprecedented refusal to include Workforce Housing Units (WDU). Citiline Partners is asking to replace the previously approved rezoning for an office building with a residential building with ground floor retail and a public access park.

Instead of including WDUs on site as required by the Tysons Comprehensive Plan, the developer offered a predetermined amount of cash or to provide the units within 5 miles of the Tysons boundaries rather than in the Tysons core as the Plan requires. The developer also refused to provide any justification for its action. The Tysons Plan requires that applicants explain the reasons for substituting cash payments for WDUs in what the Plan describes as a “rare event.”

The resolution states .....
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Published On 1/19/2024
MCA sent a letter expressing concerns about Senate Bill 304 (click READ MORE to access link to letter) which addresses Accessory Dwelling Units. This bill was introduced into the Virginia Senate by Senator Saddam Salim, who represents the 37th Senate district, in northern Fairfax County. As proposed, it would take effect on January 1, 2025.

A very substantial effort was devoted from 2017 through 2021 to preparing a new Fairfax County Zoning Ordinance under the label “Zoning Modernization Project”, to replace the old Zoning Ordinance of 1978. The MCA had provided its comments on the draft new Zoning Ordinance in a Board approved Resolution dated January 6, 2021. The new Zoning Ordinance was approved by the Board of Supervisors on March 23, 2021.

The MCA opposes Senate Bill 304 as posted in the online Virginia Legislative Information System, as it would nullify some provisions of the Fairfax County Zoning Ordinance relating to Accessory Living Units....
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Published On 1/14/2024
At a meeting of MCA’s leadership in August 2023, the group felt that the format for MCA resolutions was outdated. Repeated use of ‘Whereas’ clauses made resolutions difficult to read and sometimes confusing. Including unneeded background information made resolutions too long. The format put the most important information, MCA’s decision, at the end rather than at the beginning of the document.

Resolutions are a trademark of MCA. Their traditional format supports MCA’s role as the 110-year-old, unofficial town council of McLean. Preserving something that is distinctive about the organization is important. Nothing helps MCA more than having a member of the Board of Supervisors or the Planning Commission hold up a copy of what is clearly an MCA resolution at a public hearing.
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Published On 12/21/2023
Speaking to the Greater Tysons Citizens Coalition on December 14, 2023, Victor Hoskins, President and CEO of Fairfax County’s Economic Development Authority (EDA), characterized Tysons and Fairfax County’s economies as very strong.

In a wide-ranging conversation with GTCC members, Hoskins outlined the strengths and challenges facing both Tysons and Fairfax County, emphasizing that Tysons is in a league of its own in the DC region, competing not only with Reston and Arlington but with metropolitan areas such as Atlanta and Research Triangle, and even New York and San Francisco. As the key factors making Tysons and the County attractive to businesses and employees regionally and nationally, Hoskins cited the attractiveness of Tysons as a live, work, play environment; the record growth of investment and low unemployment rates in Tysons and the County generally; the availability of Metro; and the area’s strong educational and talent base.
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Published On 12/15/2023
MCA held a Public Safety Forum on November 15 at the McLean Community Center. The leadership of the McLean District Police Station reported on crime trends as well as actions taken to deter and catch offenders.

Lt William Arnest noted that the bulk of the crimes are committed in Tysons. To address the uptick of crime within Tysons, the Tysons Urban Team (TUT) staffing has been doubled. A new Auto Enforcement Team was formed to address the increase in car thefts. Lt. Arnest noted that the bulk of the thefts were from auto dealership lots.

Burglaries are up but this statistic is driven primarily by thefts in Tysons. A crime is classified as a burglary if the perpetrator uses “burglary tools” to remove packaging and security sensors. Larcenies are also up but again, are primarily related to shoplifting at Tysons. TUT presence and increase arrests by TUT are believed to be a deterrence.

In regard to home break-ins, the officers urged people to report any unusual activity
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Published On 12/15/2023
The MCA Executive Committee approved a letter proposed by the Planning and Zoning Committee on December 1, 2023 supporting the proposed Landscaping and Screening Zoning Amendment. The draft amendment provides for a comprehensive updating of the landscaping and screening provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, including parking lot landscaping, transitional screening, and barrier requirements.

The goals of the proposed amendment are to:

• Create an attractive and harmonious community.
• Conserve natural resources.
• Encourage the use of existing vegetation and/or native species.
• Lessen the impact of wind, heat, noise, dust and glare.
• Support placemaking.
• Encourage mixed-use developments.
• Enhance ecological and social or recreational spaces.

The MCA letter states that, “We welcome proposed redesign of the Transitional Screen and Barrier Table Structure.”, and makes several suggestions to enhance the end user experience. In addition, the letter recommends
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Published On 12/11/2023
I live in Vienna near Wolf Trap (which is in the MCA area of jurisdiction). We moved to Shouse Village in Vienna because it was in the McLean School District and because it is a family neighborhood with sidewalks, a pool, community center, tennis courts, basketball courts, and several hundred acres of wooded walking paths.

I went to Connecticut College in New London, CT for undergrad, graduating in 1983 and to George Washington Law School, graduating in 1988. In between undergrad and law school I worked as a legislative assistant for a member of Congress. After I graduated from law school, I worked in private practice for several years and then spent the rest of my career in the Federal Government. I worked for the Small Business Administration (SBA) as a trial attorney in the Office of General Counsel (OGC) (9 years), Chief Counsel for Enforcement in the SBA OGC (4 years), and in the Senior Executive Service
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Published On 12/11/2023
At the December 6, 2023, Board of Directors meeting, MCA honored Dranesville Supervisor John Foust. MCA thanked Supervisor Foust for his 16 years of service, noting that prior to being elected, he had a record of community action as president of the McLean Planning Committee and as president of the MCA.

MCA noted he listened to his constituents and led on issues of importance to them. John's accomplishments include the renovated and expanded Dolley Madison Library, the addition of a gymnasium to the Spring Hill Recreation Center, the renovation of the McLean Governmental Center, the replanning of the McLean Community Business Center, and a whole slew of pedestrian improvements that make McLean a safer and more walkable community.

On issues large and small – from the replanning of Tysons Corner to the Dead Run Stream Valley restoration, John ensured that the community’s input was heard and heeded to the extent possible.
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Published On 12/11/2023
MCA recognized and thanked retiring Dranesville District School Board Member Elaine Tholen for her service to the community. The MCA has appreciated Elaine’s willingness to listen to MCA's concerns and her tireless efforts to work with MCA to improve the education and support of our children.

Throughout Ms. Tholen’s term, she attended many of MCA’s meetings, answered questions, and obtained detailed information from FCPS staff in response to our questions and data to be used for our analysis. Some of our collaborative projects included:

• Analysis of McLean HS pyramid and Kent Gardens ES boundary changes,
• Analysis of FCPS student enrollment projections, which helped us develop our independent assessment of future school capacity demand.
• Annual MCA public meeting of the Superintendent with local K-12 students.
• Annual MCA Student Jobs Fair.

MCA is grateful for the positive relationship we’ve enjoyed with Elaine over the past four years..
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Published On 12/11/2023
MCA recognized Delegate Kathleen Murphy for her nearly ten years of service in the House of Delegates representing the western portion of the Greater McLean community. In the General Assembly, Ms. Murphy was a leader on a range of issues, including economic development and veterans’ services. She was personally responsible for securing funding for a Women Veterans Coordinator and championed issues impacting women veterans.

As one of the delegates that served the MCA membership, she was always willing to participate in MCA’s public fora, and to respond to the questions and concerns of MCA members.

Prior to becoming an elected official, Kathleen served on the Board of the McLean Community Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the MCA, and was a longtime member of the MCA. MCA wished Delegate Murphy and her family all the best in future and looks forward to her continued affiliation with the McLean Citizens Association.
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Published On 11/15/2023
On October 18, 2023, the MCA Executive Committee approved a resolution on the proposed Sign Regulation Part II ZO Amendment. The resolution supported efforts to update the county zoning ordinance, but opposed many of its specific provisions. These included (1) an increase in the allowable nighttime brightness of electronic signs; (2) the elimination of limits on the size of reserved parking signs; (3) the lack of regulations on multifamily building signs and (4) the failure to ban illuminated electronic signs in windows of homebased businesses.

At a public hearing on October 25, 2023, the Planning Commission responded to critical comments by MCA and other organizations by sending the draft amendment back to county staff for reconsideration. The Commission instructed staff to provide Commission members with responses to the written and oral questions and comments the Commission received during the hearing.
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Published On 11/15/2023
Office vacancies nationwide reached a thirty year high in the second quarter of 2023. This national problem was reflected in northern Virginia where, according to the Virginia Realtors, a trade association, office vacancies stood at 16.6% for that period. However, vacancies hit 19.7 % for Class A properties as major firms downsized as workers failed to return to the office after COVID.

The initial impact of office vacancies has been a decline in the assessed value of office proprieties and a drop in tax revenues which directly impact local governments. In Northern Virginia, it appears that cities and counties may either have to shift the tax burden to homeowners or cut services or both.

Meanwhile, the response from developers has been to shift from office uses to multi-family residential uses. This has taken three forms:
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Published On 11/2/2023
I grew up in Monroe, Ohio, a small town located just off the interstate between Cincinnti and Dayton. After high school I studied mechanical engineering at Clemson. Then moved on to UVA to work on my masters, also in mechanical engineering.

At UVA, I had two great serendipitous moments. One, an old friend from Ohio told me about a great career opportunity in energy trading. The job was in Tysons. Two, I met my now wife, Rachel.

I took the job in Tysons.

Several years later, in 2012, as newlyweds, Rachel and I looked for a home that 1) fit our budget, 2) minimized our commutes, and 3) hopefully had a fenced yard and allowed dogs. The only neighborhood that met all three criteria was Pimmit Hills. There was one house available with a fenced yard that allowed dogs. Our decision was made for us: we moved to Pimmit Hills.

In late 2020, I was elected to the board of the Pimmit Hills Citizens' Association as vice president. Shortly thereafter, I joined MCA to help .....
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Published On 10/17/2023
MCA secured several modifications to the County-staff proposed revisions to the current provisions relating to off-street parking and loading in Section 6 of the Zoning Ordinance that will mean more parking spaces in new developments than staff had proposed and a reduced risk of overflow parking in surrounding neighborhoods. We also succeeded in securing the agreement of the Board of Supervisors to Follow-on Motions that will assess whether the new minimum parking and loading rates are working or need to be revised and that will increase transparency regarding developer requests to reduce off-street parking below the mandated minimums.
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Published On 10/5/2023
After graduating from Harvard Law School, I worked as a lawyer for fifteen years. My last legal job was with the Office of Tax Policy, in the US Department of the Treasury, where my specialty was insurance industry tax issues. In 2000, I became a full-time volunteer and stay-at-home mom.

When my children attended Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), I volunteered with groups that focused on improving FCPS and I attended occasional meetings of the MCA's Education & Youth Committee to listen to FCPS administrator guests and ask questions. After a few years, however, I realized that MCA committees generally advocated for changes in local government and other policies. I also saw that the MCA committees had a deep bench of well-informed volunteers. This led me to get more involved in the MCA.
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Published On 9/11/2023
On September 6, 2023, the President of the McLean Citizens Association (MCA) sent a letter to the Chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors supporting Volume II District Design Guidelines for the McLean Community Business Center. Volume II is a companion document to Volume I Urban Design Guidelines for Fairfax County Revitalization Areas. The documents are meant to be used together by developers when designing projects in downtown McLean. Volume II contains guidance on the structure and appearance of streetscapes, building frontage, lighting, street furnishings and stormwater management. The letter notes that the Guidelines reflect the McLean community’s vision and the latest advancements in urban planning.

The letter also acknowledges Fairfax County Staff members Elizabeth Hagg, Director of the Community Revitalization Section and JoAnne Fiebe, Senior Revitalization Program Manager in the Department of Planning and Development for their leadership in developing
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Published On 9/11/2023
On September 6, 2023, the McLean Citizens Association approved a resolution supporting the repurposing of an aging and underused office building at 2000 Corporate Ridge in Tysons into 250 loft-style apartments designed for residential or office use or both at the same time. Building repurposing is a preferred answer to the problem of surplus office space nationwide. In 2016, Fairfax County adopted Guidelines for Commercial Building Repurposing to facilitate the process. Repurposing is more cost effective and environmentally friendly than demolishing buildings and replacing them with new construction.

The resolution notes that the applicant will retain the existing conference center, fitness room and community kitchen on the building’s ground floor, plus the four-level parking garage that will accommodate parking for tenants and visitors.
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Published On 9/10/2023
September is the “beginning” of the year in my household. It is when we all get back to work – our children go back to school and summer vacations are warm memories. The MCA Board, after taking August off, hit the ground running at our September Board of Directors Meeting, approving four resolutions and one letter.

I became the President of MCA on June 1st, so I thought I would formally introduce myself to the community. I am almost a native of Northern Virginia and a product of the outstanding Fairfax County Public Schools. I put myself through George Mason University by working full time and going to class at night. My husband and I moved to McLean to raise our children and take advantage of the schools and easy access to DC. My volunteer activities have revolved around the activities my children were involved in (PTAs, McLean HS Band & Crew, Girl Scouts, etc.).
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Published On 9/8/2023
On September 6th, MCA approved a resolution supporting Macerich’s application to amend the previously approved rezoning of 3.5 million square feet of development at Tysons Corner Center notwithstanding MCA’s previously expressed concerns about office to residential conversions. Having acquired the vacant Lord & Taylor site, Macerich now seeks to amend its previous rezoning, primarily to add a second-phase option for a 400-foot mixed use building with 292 units of residential above office and retail levels. In addition, the application proposes reshuffling the mix of uses among the building phases and reintroduces a retail building along Route 7 that was removed by an earlier amendment. The maximum approved square footage of 6,015,217 square feet remains unchanged.
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Published On 9/8/2023
On September 6, 3023, the MCA Board of Directors adopted a resolution in support of the Mars Incorporated rezoning application to expand and upgrade its headquarters building. Located in downtown McLean, this property borders Old Dominion Drive, Moyer Place, and Elm Street. The height of the building will increase from its existing fifty feet to sixty-three feet, consisting of three stories above entry grade.

The Mars proposed design will feature a myriad of green building features in keeping with the values of both Fairfax County and Mars. Such features will include a dry swale, a bioretention tree pit, and a private green park to provide an outdoor extension of office space.
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Published On 9/8/2023
The MCA Board, on September 7, approved a Resolution stating it doesn’t oppose an Application by The Boro II Developer seeking to amend the plans for The Boro, Block B, Building 1 (B1) and Building 2 (B2) that had been previously approved by the County. The applicant is seeking an option for office use for B1. This is an exception to the current trend of conversions from office to residential use. The amendment proposes two options. Under Option one, B1 is changed from a residential building to a 313-foot office building with ground floor retail and B2 is a 395-foot-tall residential tower. Under Option 2, B1 is a 361-foot-tall residential tower and B2 is a 395-foot-tall residential tower.
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Published On 9/8/2023
Thursday, October 12, 2023
7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Hybrid:: McLean Community Center, McLean Community Hall and via Zoom

There will be two 45-minute debates in the following order:

• Dranesville Supervisor – Puneet Ahluwalia and Jimmy Bierman
• Dranesville School Board Rep. – Robyn Lady and Paul Bartkowski

All residents in the area are welcome to attend. The Community Hall doors will open at 7:00 pm -- please plan to arrive early to ensure you get a seat.
The debate will be hybrid – in person and via Zoom @ (Meeting ID: 851 4825 6052, Passcode: 261141, phone: 301 715 8592).

MCA is a non-partisan, politically objective organization. Since 1914, MCA has represented the interests of residents of the greater McLean Area. For more information about MCA, please visit For more information about the candidates - click Read More.
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Published On 8/7/2023
The Tysons Community Alliance (TCA) just released the Market Study it commissioned in Spring 2023 to assess and benchmark current market conditions and provide insight for its ongoing strategic planning effort. It's long -- 166 slides in all -- but highly relevant to many of the issues that we have considered in MCA. I encourage you all to take the time to read it. You can find the Market Study at this link:

Additionally, the TCA has just issued a series of Community Engagement Surveys designed to help it better understand the needs, preferences, and aspirations of employers, employees, residents and all members of the broader community. These surveys aim to identify key areas of opportunities that will inform the TCA's key initiatives going forward.
Click Read More for links to the Surveys!
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Published On 7/26/2023
On July 5, 3023, the MCA Board of Directors adopted a resolution on “Converge,” a plan to redevelop the remaining portion of the area surrounding the West Falls Church Metro-Station. The rezoning application was filed by Converge West Falls LLC, a real estate investment firm composed of Rushmark Properties and HITT Contracting.

The proposal will replace the Northern Virginia Center, a Virginia Tech satellite campus, with a 15 story, 440-unit residential building and a six-story building containing the HITT Contracting company headquarters and a Virginia Tech laboratory for developing new building materials. The project will also include construction of a segment of West Falls Boulevard that will run between the two buildings to the Metro Station.

The resolution states that MCA’s approval of the project is conditioned upon the applicant changing four aspects of the proposal which have made it controversial with neighboring communities.
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Published On 7/26/2023
On July 5, 2023, the MCA Board of Directors adopted a resolution concerning the Fairfax County Parking Reimagined Initiative. MCA supports the county’s effort to update Article 6, the portion of the Zoning Ordinance that deals with off-street parking and loading. It also supports the Initiative’s goals and objectives. MCA objects, however, to several provisions in the current draft of the proposal.
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Published On 7/26/2023
On July 5, the MCA Board passed a resolution [link to resolution] addressing a proposed rezoning amendment for a property located at the corner of Spring Hill Road and Broad Street, within a quarter mile of the Spring Hill Metro Station, to allow a previously approved 22-story, 290-foot office tower (including penthouse) to be converted to a 29-story, 270-foot residential building to be known as City House.
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Published On 7/26/2023
On July 5, the McLean Citizens Association (MCA) Board approved release of a letter to the Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Board about their plans to address Kent Gardens Elementary School overcrowding with a Boundary change. Kent Gardens is currently more than 20% over capacity.
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Published On 7/6/2023
1) How long have you lived in Mclean? 13 years
2) Why did you move to McLean? I moved specifically for the neighborhood I live in as it has a lot of mature trees and is close to the schools. I had school age children that were in a private school and we wanted a similar educational environment for them from a public school. Mclean is also 15 mins drive to Georgetown and we enjoy a lot of the activities that DC has to offer.
3) What is your professional/work and educational background? I work in technology as a Product Management professional. For the past 10 years I have worked on cyber security products and have experience with a variety of solutions ranging from DDOS mitigation to cyber threat intelligence to identifying impersonations of executives. I decide what products to build that solve cyber security problems for governments, financial services, retail, and other sectors that are highly vulnerable to attacks.
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Published On 6/12/2023
On June 7, MCA sent a letter to the Fairfax County Director for Land Development challenging the findings of a parking reduction study submitted in support of an application by FCGP-Metro Development LLC (the applicant) for the WFC WMATA Metro-Station Project. Previously the applicant had submitted a study in support of the same application that MCA also questioned on the grounds that the applicant did not offer sufficient empirical evidence to justify the low parking space per residential unit that it was requesting.
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Published On 6/12/2023
Working from home has left a growing surplus of office space across the country. In response, developers are converting offices to residential uses. Currently, the MCA Planning and Zoning Committee is tracking nine rezoning applications in Tysons and McLean requesting a shift from office to residential uses. These changes would occur in one of three ways: (1) converting approved rezoning for office buildings to residential buildings; (2) replacing existing office buildings with residential buildings; and, (3) converting office buildings to apartment buildings.

Taken collectively, these requests for rezoning could have negative consequences. On June 7, MCA sent a letter to Jeffrey C. McKay, Chairman of the Fairfax County Board of supervisors requesting that Fairfax County staff undertake a study of the potentially negative impact........
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Published On 6/8/2023
1) How long have you lived in Mclean? Why did you move to McLean?
I was born and raised in the area and attended Fairfax County public schools. I have been a McLean resident since the 1970’s. McLean has always had appeal because of its open space, proximity to Washington, DC and reputation for good schools.

2) What is your professional/work and educational background?
My degrees are in biology and I have earned a number of professional certificates in land use, policy, and Web design. While I have always gravitated to the Washington area because of family and friends, I have lived/attended school/worked in Hawaii, Massachusetts, California, Thailand, Italy, and the United Kingdom. I served in the Office of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors under two different chairmen and with the Hunter Mill District Supervisor which enhanced my knowledge of how the county functions.
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Published On 5/9/2023
The McLean Citizens Association is awarding four teens a Teen Character Award in the 25th annual award ceremony at McLean Day on Saturday, May 20. The award ceremony will be held at 3 PM at Lewinsville Park on Chain Bridge Road in McLean. Dranesville District Supervisor John Foust; Elaine Tholen, Dranesville District School Board Member; and Scott Spitzer, McLean Citizens Association President; will present the awards.

The award is to honor teens who demonstrate outstanding character. Teens who have, on their own and without compensation, helped out in their neighborhood or community, are being recognized not only for themselves but as an example to others.

Click on "Read More" to read about this year's four awardees.
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Published On 5/3/2023
How long have you lived in Mclean? Why did you move to McLean?
I have lived in McLean for 13 Years. I move to McLean mainly because of schools and closeness to DC. At the time I was involved with U.S. Govt. contracts.

What is your professional/work and educational background?
Professional - Engineer-Electrical and I have a master’s in engineering management.

How long have you been an MCA member?
Since 2015

What is the value of being an MCA member?
The best value is that it keeps me informed about my government at work, my surroundings and my neighborhood and the state of things in general. The second most important thing is that I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with a very dedicated group of folks who devote a lot of time in their quest for the betterment of our community. I can honestly say that I don’t know of a finer group of people anywhere. This group is scarce to find in other parts of the country.
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Published On 4/23/2023
On April 6, the MCA Board passed a resolution [link to resolution] on the County Executive’s Fiscal Year 2024 Advertised Budget.

To address rising crime and officer vacancies, the MCA urged a 15% across-the-board increase in police salaries. The MCA urged full funding for the Park Authority’s forestry management services, additional funding for sidewalks and trails, and the exploration of the use of 2023 school bonds for the same purpose.

In response to community input, the MCA also urged the Board to reduce the property tax rate by at least 3 cents in FY 2024 and not to increase the tax rate in FY 2025, to partly offset the dramatic increase in residential home assessments over the past two years.
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Published On 4/23/2023
On April 6, 2023, MCA adopted a resolution urging the Board of Supervisors to oppose a number of proposed amendments to Article 6 of the Zoning Ordinance which regulates off-street parking and loading. Entitled “Parking Reimagined,” the county’s initiative seeks to modernize the ordinance which was adopted in the 1980’s.

MCA believes that updates are required, but that key recommendations are unjustified and should not be implemented. In general, MCA believes that the Initiative’s basic assumption about significant future reductions in the use of private vehicles is not supported by the availability of adequate public transportation and service infrastructure. Particular areas of concern include the excessive reductions to off-street minimum parking requirements for multifamily developments, and the granting of increased authority to the Director of Land Development Services to unilaterally reduce parking requirements beyond the 30% allowable reduction in the current ordinance.
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Published On 4/7/2023
The McLean Citizens Association and the McLean Community Center cordially invites you to a Senior Safety Summit on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 from 10am to 12pm in the McLean Community Center, 1234 Ingleside Ave., McLean 22101, Community Rooms B, and C.

Registration is not required. Admission is FREE. All are welcome to attend - Seniors, Parents, Caregivers and Family Members!


John Butler, Chief of the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department
Kevin Davis, Chief of the Fairfax County Police Department
Betsy May-Salazar, Executive Director, McLean Community Center
Scott Spitzer, President, McLean Citizens Association


• Community Risk Reduction
• Search and Rescue – Missing Persons
• Financial Crimes against Senior Citizens
• Romance & Business Scams Crime Prevention and Safety
• Questions and Answers
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Published On 4/5/2023
The McLean Citizens Association (MCA) is again sponsoring Teen Character Awards to recognize teens with exceptional ethical and compassionate character. Teens who have, on their own and without compensation or formal recognition, cared for elderly relatives or younger siblings, or who have helped out in the neighborhood or community (defined as the Greater Washington D.C. metropolitan area), deserve to be recognized not only for themselves but as examples to others.

All teen nominations must meet the criteria listed on the application. The MCA Education and Youth Committee will review nominations to determine compliance and select the winners from the most deserving candidates.


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Published On 3/25/2023
On March 11, 2023, the Art in Motion Dance performers entertained the crowd at the “I Love McLean” celebration hosted by McLean Citizens Association (MCA). The dancers, from preschoolers to high school students, performed four different numbers from cheerleading and hip hop to musical theater jazz. The dancers performed in beautiful costumes and brought big smiles to the faces of the appreciative audience! To view more photos, visit the MCA’s website ( and click on “Photo Album”.

Art in Motion Dance (AIM) is owned and directed by Allie O’Hare. Allie is an experienced, professional dance instructor and performer who has more than 30 years of dance experience. She has been teaching in the McLean Community Center (MCC) for 15 years and has been running her own company at the MCC as well as several other locations throughout the DMV for the past 3 years.

AIM is a premier dance program dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing space for children to explore..
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Published On 3/24/2023
After a two year sabbatical due to the Pandemic, the McLean Citizens Association (MCA) sponsored the 4th Annual I Love McLean Celebration on March 11, 2023, along with co-hosts, McLean Community Center (MCC), McLean Project for the Arts (MPA), McLean Community Foundation (MCF) and Fairfax County Fire and Rescue and McLean District Police Station. The theme of the celebration was to officially honor the people that protect us - our local firefighters and police officers. Over 200 people were in attendance!

Opening remarks were made by Supervisor Foust who acknowledged the exemplary work MCA performs. John applauded MCA’s efforts to bridge the gap between the residents and the County on important local issues. He noted that MCA’s input via resolutions and letters are well thought out, factual and has helped him understand the community’s concerns prior to discussions and votes by the Board of Supervisors.
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Published On 3/24/2023
Kids’ Lit Quiz is an annual literature quiz for students ages 10 to 13. Kids’ Lit Quiz was created to acknowledge and motivate readers at a time when pleasure reading traditionally declines for youths. Students compete in teams to answer questions about book characters, authors, genres, first sentences, and book terminology.

In February, the Cooper Middle School Kids’ Lit Quiz Team competed in Hartford, Connecticut, and was one of five teams to progress to the national final. After five rounds of the fast-paced buzzer-style competition, the Cooper MS team successfully earned first place and was named national champion. In July, the Cooper team will travel to New Zealand and represent the United States in a world final competing against students representing Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Indonesia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Singapore, South Africa, and Thailand.

Team Members: Evelyn Volova, Carmen Appel, Lachlan Thomas, Lachlan Thomas, Kylie Rudinsky, Sponsor – Marci Love Thomas.
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Published On 3/2/2023
On March 1, 2023, the MCA Board of Directors adopted a letter opposing a request by FCGP-Metro Development for a reduction in residential parking at the West Falls Church WMATA Metro-station property. The request is currently under review by Fairfax County Land Development Services (LDS). The Board of Supervisors will likely consider the LDS recommendation on the request when it considers the overall project application at its May meeting.

MCA’s letter questions the validity and the relevance of information contained in a Parking Reduction Study submitted by the applicant to justify the request. MCA points out the defects in the study, particularly its failure to satisfy the condition stated in Section 6100.6B(2) of the Zoning Ordinance that the applicant must demonstrate that the proposed reduction will not negatively affect the site or the adjacent areas, including potentially causing overflow parking in nearby neighborhoods.
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Published On 2/28/2023
On Wednesday February 15th the McLean Citizens Association (MCA) hosted a well-received Public Safety Forum with MCA members and the general public in the McLean Community Center. The guest speakers were Captain Carolyn Kinney, Commander of the McLean District Police Station; Lieutenant Derek Gray, Assistant Commander; Master Police Officer Carolyn Beyer, Crime Prevention Officer, and PFC Avaiz Mian Community Outreach Officer. The McLean District Station Leadership per the attached Presentation discussed a Year To Date (YTD) Comparison of Crime Statistics; District Station Traffic Activities; Traffic Safety Initiatives and Crash Data; Information from the Auto Crimes Enforcement Unit; Kia/Hyundai TikTok Challenge; Information about Illegal Car Meet Ups; and the McLean District Station 2023 Polar Plunge in the Mosaic. This was a great opportunity for MCA Members and the general public to discuss issues and concerns they are affecting our greater McLean communities and neighborhoods.
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Published On 2/7/2023
On February 7, 2023, the President of the McLean Citizens Association, Scott Spitzer, sent a letter to Fairfax County officials identifying concerns with a proposal to revise the County’s Zoning Ordinance (ZO) regarding minimum parking requirements known as the “Parking Reimagined” Initiative (PRI). For more information and a link to the letter, please click the above title.
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MCA News

Published On 1/13/2025
On January 8, 2025, the MCA sponsored a hands-only CPR training program given by McLean Volunteer Fire Department.
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Published On 1/8/2025
At its January 2025 Board of Directors meeting, the MCA voted to send two letters to local and state officials regarding cell phone limits in schools and supporting educational funding.
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Published On 12/17/2024
On December 17, 2024, Jeff McKay, the Chair of the Fairfax Board of Supervisors, wrote to the MCA in response to a resolution the MCA passed in November 2024 asking the County to establish a dedicated funding program for active transportation infrastructure projects (i.e., sidewalks, trails, and bike lanes) consistent with the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan.
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Published On 9/3/2024
On September 3, 2024, the MCA Transportation Committee Chair wrote Supervisor Bierman reiterating the MCA’s support for a sidewalk on Birch Road from Birch Grove Court to Kirby Road to address serious pedestrian safety issues. This project was supported in a resolution that the MCA passed in January 2022. Schoolchildren are forced to walk on this hazardous stretch of Birch Road where there is no sidewalk on the way to nearby schools. Local residents also rely on amenities at these schools and residents are often seen walking on Birch road, pushing strollers with children, due to the lack of a sidewalk. This stretch of road is also a crucial pathway for pedestrians and bicyclists accessing various local establishments.
The letter requested the County to fully fund this project and requested the County to do more to expedite this project; it was approved for partial funding in December 2023, but still has not reached the design stage. You can view the letter under Transp Comm Documents.
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Published On 9/19/2023
On Thursday, September 14, members of the Greater Tysons Citizens Coalition, including from MCA, held a robust
conversation with Katie Cristol, the Chief Executive Officer of the Tysons Community Alliance (TCA). Topics included the key takeaways from the TCA's recent Market Study, the TCA's current projects and focus, and its strategy going forward. There was a lively and productive give and take, covering topics of interest among those present. For a deeper dive into the conversation, watch the video in MCA's video library!
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Transportation News

Published On 2/1/2024
On February 13, 2024, the McLean Citizens Association Transportation Committee hosted a committee meeting with officials from the Fairfax County Department of Transportation who presented on the County’s Transportation Priorities Plan.
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Published On 10/19/2023
On October 19, the Transportation Committee held a joint meeting with the Greater Tysons Citizens Coalition featuring Gregg Steverson, the Acting Director of FCDOT, and other FCDOT officials to discuss traffic and transportation initiatives in the Tysons area.
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Published On 10/17/2023
On October 17, 2023, MCA Transportation Committee Chair Glenn Harris gave a presentation on transportation issues and initiatives in the greater McLean area.
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Published On 9/12/2023
FCDOT Official, Dan Stevens, from the Capital Projects Section gave a presentation regarding FCDOT's study of pedestrian improvements in the McLean CBC.
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Published On 1/8/2023
On January 4, 2023, the MCA Board of Directors (the MCA Board) adopted a resolution proposed by the MCA Transportation Committee. The resolution recommends that Fairfax County move forward with 19 active transportation projects in the West Falls Church Transit Station Area (the Area), i.e., projects to promote pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. For more information and a link to the resolution, please click the above title.
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Published On 12/5/2022
On November 30, 2022, MCA held a public information meeting featuring the FCDOT Director, Tom Biesiadny, Mr. Biesiadny addressed a number of critical traffic and pedestrian issues in and affecting the greater McLean area. Click the headline of this article for more information and to access the FCDOT PowerPoint presentation and the video of the meeting.
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On July 29, 2022, the MCA sent a letter to FCDOT expressing support for planned improvements at the intersection of Balls Hill Road and Old Dominion Drive and offering additional suggestions for pedestrian and intersection improvements.
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MCA recently submitted comments to the Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) about proposed changes to the Dolley Madison Boulevard corridor between Anderson Road and Elm Street.

The MCA supported several projects proposed by FCDOT that are likely to improve traffic flow on this stretch of Dolley Madison Boulevard and adjoining intersections. However, the MCA opposed certain proposals out of concern that they would unduly burden residents of certain neighborhoods.

Click on the article for more information and for links to the MCA letter and the FCDOT slideshow describing the proposed projects.
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Published On 1/8/2022
On Jan.5, 2022, MCA passed a resolution identifying walkway/trail projects that deserve funding. Click the link for more information and to see the resolution.
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Planning & Zoning News

Published On 2/3/2023
On February 1, 2023, the Board of Directors of the McLean Citizens Association adopted a resolution supporting the plan for rezoning the area around the West Falls Church WMATA Metro Station. The plan would replace 800 underutilized parking spaces with residential, mixed-use development, including up to 810 multifamily units, 90 townhomes, a 110,000 square feet office building and 10,000 square feet of ground floor retail. It would also include 2.5 acres of parks and green space, a new Kiss-and-Ride, bike lanes and racks, a dog park, and a children’s playground, plus new streets, sidewalks and utilities.

To avoid the possibility that inadequate reserved parking for new residents of the townhomes and apartment building will impact surrounding neighborhoods, the MCA resolution recommends that the County not approve WMATA’s current parking space proposal unless it can demonstrate that overflow parking will not occur.

It also calls attention to ........
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Env, Parks & Recreation News

Published On 2/2/2023
On February 1, 2023 ,the MCA Board of Directors approved a Resolution on the Use of Synthetic Turf in Greater McLean that highlights the existence of significant concerns about the environmental and health effects related to synthetic turf while the county considers a proposal from the McLean Little League to fund the conversion of the baseball diamond field at Linway Terrace Park to synthetic turf. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has yet to release the results of its multiagency investigation to address the potential human health effects of exposure to crumb rubber in synthetic turf fields. Concerns related to synthetic turf fields include the use of crumb rubber infill, potential toxic stormwater runoff, heat generated by the fields in summer, the waste management implications of limited synthetic field life span, and the presence of toxic “forever chemicals” in field materials. The resolution recommends that:
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Public Safety

Published On 5/7/2023
The Senior Safety Summit was Developed in collaboration with the McLean Citizens Association, the McLean Community Center, the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department, and the Fairfax County Police Department
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This presentation by emergency management professionals provided valuable information about the Citizens Core Council and the various volunteer organizations and programs, which are designed to make our citizens and communities better prepared to respond various emergencies.
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Published On 3/21/2022
MCA recently held a Public Safety Forum on Emergency Preparedness. It was organized by Patrick Smaldore, our Public Safety Liaison, and introduced by Rob Jackson, our former President.

In case you missed it, the meeting recording is available in the MCA's Video Library. Click on "Read More" to access a link to the Citizen Corp Council Presentation.
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Education & Youth News

Published On 11/18/2022
The Education and Youth Committee (E&Y) is exploring whether current FCPS student projection methodology is adequate for rapid growth areas like Tysons and the Mosaic Districts. Accurate student projections are important as they are used to create the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for creating, maintaining and funding present and future capital infrastructure requirements for the school system.

Jim Beggs, E&Y Committee Chair, presented an analysis of student projections made by Fairfax County Public School (FCPS) for the Langley, McLean, Marshal and Madison pyramids compared to projections calculated by the E&Y Committee The E&Y Committee's model significantly differs from FCPS projections for three elementary schools (Spring Hill, Westgate, and Westbriar), two middle schools (Kilmer and Longfellow) and two high schools (McLean, Marshall).

Click Read More to read the Opinion published in the Sun Gazette November 17-23, 2023.
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Member Spotlight

Published On 4/7/2023
I moved from a condo in Arlington to McLean in 1983 to accommodate my growing family.

I graduated from Villanova University School of Law. Presently, I am a construction lawyer for Construction Risk Counsel, PLLC located in Tysons Corner, Virginia. I provide risk management consulting services to owners, design professionals, contractors, insurance carriers and attorneys on construction projects.

I have been a member of MCA for five years. I am a member of the Planning and Zoning Committee (P&Z). I felt with my construction background, I could offer a different viewpoint to offset the anti-development sentiment expressed by some McLean residents. I felt that the McLean CBC Comprehensive Plan was amended in a manner that could adversely impact the quality and pace of development in downtown McLean. As a member of the committee, I have had the opportunity to serve as case manager on several large developments proposals.
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Published On 3/2/2023
I've lived in Mclean since June of 1998. My family moved to Mclean from New Jersey because my wife grew up in Mclean and we wanted to be closer to her family.

I have been in banking and finance for my entire career and currently serve as Chief Financial Officer for The Freedom Bank of Virginia, based in Fairfax, VA. I have a Bachelors in Technology from the Indian Institute of Technology in New Delhi, India and Masters in Mechanical Engineering and Masters in Business Administration from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

I have been a member of the MCA since June of 2019. I find value in being an MCA member because it allows me to be more fully engaged in matters that affect Mclean, engage with officials who impact our community and meet with other MCA members who are equally committed to this community.
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Published On 2/2/2023
I was born in Washington DC, and raised in Arlington Virginia. I met and fell in love with a woman from McLean in 2003 and moved to McLean in 2006 (16 years).

After working 38 years for Government Services in information technology, I retired as a GS-15. I am a retired US Navy Chief Petty Officer (CPO), Aerographer’s Mate (Meteorology and Oceanography) with over 30 years of service (active duty 4 years and 27 years in US Naval Reserve Service). I have a master’s degree in Software Engineering Administration from Central Michigan University

Prior to moving to McLean, I was an active member of the Arlington County Civic Federation (ACCF). It was my honor to serve as the ACCF President from 2004 to 2006. I joined the MCA to continue my over 30 years of civic engagement with a goal of making a difference in our McLean Community.

I have served as an MCA At-Large Board Member since 2011. Currently I serve as .....
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Published On 1/4/2023
McLean has been my home and tax base for over 62 years. In 1960, my family moved from Dunn Loring to McLean, living in an era of cows in what is now Lewinsville Park, barns and horses, apple orchards and fresh eggs all within walking distance. My father’s overseas assignment to the American Embassy in Paris, France meant I spent 5 years in bilingual schools before returning to find Tysons Corner built and to graduate from McLean High School in 1970.

My B.A. degree in French literature from Randolph-Macon College eventually landed me a job with the Department of Justice, the United States National Central Bureau, AKA INTERPOL – initially as a French translator and then as an analyst focusing on counter narcotics and counter terrorism. Yearning to work overseas, I transferred to the Department of State, serving as a foreign service officer in Taiwan, Greece, Japan (twice) and a couple of stints in Afghanistan, retiring in 2012 after almost 30 years of Federal Government work.
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Published On 12/8/2022
My family and I have lived in McLean since the spring of 2012, and we moved here after my husband retired from the U.S. Air Force. I’m an Army brat and as a child we lived in Fairfax and I’ve always loved the strong sense of community in McLean.

During the George W. Bush Administration, I was a spokesperson for longtime McLean resident Gen. Colin L. Powell when he was the Secretary of State and have worked in the national security arena for over twenty years. I am the co-owner of the only female-owned bi-partisan government affairs company focused on national security, Velocity Government Relations. My undergraduate degree is from Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York and I also earned a master’s degree from Hawai’i Pacific University In Honolulu, Hawai’i.
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Published On 11/3/2022
I moved with my husband, Steve Bradbury, and three kids to McLean from Potomac, Maryland in 2008 so that our eldest, who was then beginning 8th grade, could apply to TJ. It turned out to be a fabulous move for our family. Not only did all three kids attend TJ, but my husband had a shorter commute to DC, we could walk to our swim & tennis club, and we all really liked the community.

I just joined the MCA in June. I was immediately impressed with the seriousness of purpose that I observed throughout the organization. My friend, a long-time member who chairs a committee, had been suggesting I join for years. I think I finally listened to her because now that I serve as VP of my Tysons condo’s Board, I wanted to know more about — and be involved with — the plans for this dynamic part of McLean.

I joined the Tysons Committee and more recently, the Planning & Zoning Committee. I’m already Co-Case Manager on rezoning application down the street from our condo in Tysons.
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