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Linda A Walsh | Published on 12/11/2023

as the Counsel to the Inspector General at the SBA (10 years).  I ended my career working as a Civil Fraud Prosecutor in the Department of Justice, Civil Division, Commercial Litigation Branch, Frauds Section (7 years).  I am now retired.

I have been a member of the MCA since 2011.  I believe that being an MCA member gives you access to information about local issues affecting residents in the greater McLean area as a result of the emails and communications from the MCA and the public information events that the MCA hosts.  It also allows residents to have a voice in local affairs.

I joined MCA because I understood it was a respected, credible, nonpartisan organization that was making a difference in helping to improve the lives of area residents and I wanted to be a part of such an organization.

I have been a member of the Transportation Committee from 2011 to present and of the Membership Committee from 2013 to present.  I was the Vice-Chair of the Transportation Committee from 2017 to 2021 and have been the chair of the Transportation Committee since June 2021. Additionally, I was First Vice President of the MCA from 2013 to 2021.  As a member of the Transportation Committee for 12 years, I have been involved in numerous transportation issues affecting the greater McLean Area including:  major road improvements such as the 495NEXT project, Route 7 widening, and the need to rebuild the American Legion Memorial Bridge; local road improvements and intersection upgrades; pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements and construction of needed sidewalks, bicycle lanes and trails; funding for transportation initiatives; adequacy of parking and the County’s efforts to limit parking availability.

There are a number of issues that MCA has addressed that has directly impacted my community.  There are too many to list, but examples include:  MCA participation on the Route 7 widening Task Force, MCA letters and resolutions concerning proposed new construction projects in the Tysons and Mclean areas; MCA letters and resolutions regarding transportation and pedestrian initiatives in the area; MCA resolutions regarding budget and taxation matters; and MCA efforts and resolutions regarding the Tysons Comprehensive Plan amendments.

MCA allows residents to have a voice in local affairs.  You should join.  It's only $15 per year (and less if you sign up for multi-year membership).  What have you got to lose?