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HomeCommittees - Overview


Committees Are the Heart of the MCA


The MCA's Committees, identified below, study issues affecting residents of the McLean Area; develop MCA Resolutions and letters on issues of public significance; and organize public citizen information sessions where local elected officials, Fairfax County representatives and others address specific areas of interest.  MCA Committees are made up of volunteers who often have considerable experience and expertise on subjects the Committees oversee.

Get involved!

You must be a member of the MCA in order to join an MCA Committee.  Please contact the Chair of a Committee if you are interested in joining or if there is an issue affecting the McLean Area that you think the Committee should investigate.  Thanks for your interest and helping to keep the MCA an effective advocate for the greater McLean community!

        Budget & Taxation

The Budget and Taxation Committee researches and formulates recommendations on how Fairfax County raises and spends money, and promotes effective government.  The Committee’s largest effort each year is preparing MCA’s position on the proposed County budget. The Committee drafts a series of recommendations for consideration by the MCA Board of Directors and delivery to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and the school system’s School Board. The recommendations are also presented to the Board of Supervisors at public hearings.

Chair: James Kulikowski

The Committee meets on the third Thursday of the month

  Planning & Zoning

The Planning and Zoning Committee reviews all McLean area land use permit applications that are scheduled to be heard by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors (Rezonings, Special Exceptions and 2232 Reviews) or by the Board of Zoning Appeals (Special Permits and Variances) and represents the MCA during the public hearing process on those applications. The Committee also reviews proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plans for McLean and Tysons.

Chair: Robert Perito

The Committee meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month


The Transportation Committee works with neighborhoods to identify traffic concerns, dangerous or congested intersections, and other safety-related issues on local streets and roadways. This includes identifying unsafe or inadequate pedestrian and bicyclist infrastructure. The Committee works closely with County and State transportation departments and with the Dranesville District Supervisor to find solutions. The Committee also follows the progress of major transportation initiatives that impact the McLean Area, such as the 495NEXT project, Metro and public transit issues. The Committee studies transportation issues, prepares letters and resolutions for approval of the MCA Board, and hosts citizen-information events on pertinent transportation issues. Please click the Transportation link above to learn more about local and state transportation agencies and actions residents can take to report roadway problems or request traffic calming measures.

Chair: Glenn Harris

The Committee meets on the second Tuesday of the month 

Education & Youth

The Education & Youth Committee advocates for the excellence of McLean-area public schools and activities.  The Committee also covers issues affecting young people including schools and recreational activities.

Chair: Doug Taylor

The Committee meets on the third Tuesday of the month

Environment, Parks & Recreation

The Environment, Parks and Recreation Committee monitors a broad range of issues associated with preservation of the community's natural resources and quality of life. Areas of interest include:  tree preservation; stream and water quality protection; stormwater, soil and erosion issues; air quality, noise, light and visual pollution; and numerous parks and recreation issues.

Chairs: TBD

The Committee meets on the second Wednesday of the month

Tysons Liaison jpg

The Tysons Corner Liaison Committee's role is to act as a liaison between the Board of Directors and key stakeholders, e.g., appointed and elected officials from Fairfax County and the Town of Vienna, county staff, state government officials, nearby civic associations, Tysons Corner landowners and developers, and members of the press, with respect to policy issues of interest to the MCA relating to the development of Tysons and Tysons impacts on the greater McLean area

Chair: Sally Horn

The Committee generally meets on the second Thursday of the month

Public Safety

The Public Safety Liaison addresses Public Safety issues and advocates for solutions by studying and reporting on matters related to Police, Fire and Rescue, Public Safety Communications, Emergency Management, Public Health, Public Affairs, and prepares recommendations for MCA Board consideration.  The Public Safety Liaison works closely with residents in the Greater McLean area and with the various Fairfax County; State of Virginia; and Federal Government offices and officials.

Liaison:  Patrick Smaldore
Membership Committee 

The Membership Committee promotes membership in the MCA and manages membership records. The Committee also organizes or supports MCA Membership meetings and MCA-sponsored public events, the MCA Booth at McLean Day, and participation in the Winterfest Parade.

Chair:  Steve Donovan

The Committee meets on the fourth Monday of the month