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MCA Issues Letter Re Proposed Intersection Improvements at Balls Hill Rd & Old Dominion Dr

Glenn Harris

One local intersection that frequently encounters long traffic backups, especially during rush hour, is the intersection of Balls Hill Road and Old Dominion Drive.  The Fairfax County Department of Transportation (“FCDOT”) has been considering improvements to this intersection for several years, and on June 22 and 30, FCDOT held public meetings regarding a proposed design to improve this intersection (see link to FCDOT webpage below).

On July 29, 2022, the McLean Citizens Association (MCA) sent a letter to FCDOT expressing support for the proposed intersection changes and offering comments on additional sidewalk and intersection improvements in this area.  This was a follow-up to a resolution the MCA had issued on this intersection in 2018.

The County is pursuing a design study of that would replace the current acute angle X intersection with two T-intersections that would require drivers on Balls Hill Road to travel on Old Dominion for a short distance before turning right to continue on Balls Hill Road.  The MCA letter advised that it supported this FCDOT proposal.

The MCA letter also advised of its support for FCDOT’s proposal to build walkways on Balls Hill from the intersection with Old Dominion to Churchill Road and on the south side of Old Dominion from just north of the new intersections to Van Ness Court.  However, the MCA also advocated that FCDOT find funding to extend the sidewalk on the north side to allow residents on these streets better pedestrian access or to install pedestrian crossing signals to allow residents to safely cross Old Dominion if funding could not be identified for a sidewalk extension.  In addition, to reduce congestion for residents trying to enter Balls Hill from Dulaney Drive, the MCA proposed construction of a dedicated right turn lane on Balls Hill for drivers seeking to take a right onto Old Dominion.  Finally, MCA supported FCDOT’s declared intent to minimize the impacts of the construction on trees and urged that, if practicable, FCDOT make dedicated efforts to reduce the impact on existing mature trees in this area.

On August 10, 2022, Dranesville Supervisor John Foust notified the MCA that he had notified FCDOT of his support the MCA’s recommendations.

To view the MCA letter, please click the following link:  MCA Letter-Balls Hill - Old Dominion Intersection_7.29.2022.  A link to the FCDOT website describing the proposed intersection improvement can be accessed here:  FCDOT Webpage-Balls Hill and Old Dominion.