We were all caught off guard in January when Virginia State Senator Dave Marsden (Burke) introduced a bill to build a casino in Tysons. Through the efforts of MCA and others, we successfully got the casino bill tabled. The Bill is Not Dead. Sen. Marsden vows to bring it back in January 2025. We won’t be caught off-guard in 2025!
What do we need to do?
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors needs to send Richmond a strong message – No Tysons Casino. While Supervisors Bierman (Dranesville) and Alcorn (Hunter Mill) have strongly stated their opposition, we need the Fairfax Board of Supervisors to publicly oppose casino development in Tysons.
How do we get them to Say No?
Attend the Fairfax Board of Supervisors Meeting on May 21 at 4:30! While I will make a statement opposing the casino, we want the Board to see a sea of red No Tysons Casino t-shirts. We need 375 people to show up! Please invite your friends, family, members of your homeowners or civic association, book club, etc. No Tysons Casino t-shirts will be given out on site starting 30 minutes before the event. Location – 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia 22035.
Let your opposition be known! - Write letters to your Supervisor and State Senators and Delegates. You can use the letter writing tool provided on the No Casino Coalition website. Click on Take Action.
If your Homeowners or Civic Association, Church or other community organization has or will send a letter to the Board of Supervisors (ClerktotheBOS@fairfaxcounty.gov), please send me a copy of the letter/email. We will keep track of the organizations that have come out in opposition and send that list to the Board. It is easy to ignore one letter. It is much harder to ignore numerous letters writing on behalf of thousands of voters.
Stay Informed and Get Timely Notifications when it is Time to Take Action
• Request a Presentation - We have individuals that will come to your association, church and/or community gathering and share a short presentation and answer your questions. Send requests to president@mcleancitizens.org.
• Join the No Fairfax Coalition Facebook page – Open Facebook and go to NoFairfaxCoalition (all one word) and ask to join. This is a closed group. To gain admission, simply indicate you are associated with the MCA. Then take a few minutes and forward these instructions to your friends and neighbors and ask them to join.
• Not a Facebook user – Keep up to date by visiting the No Casino Coalition website.
To “Kill the Bill” we all need to participate! We have the power of the ballot box. It is truly a matter of standing up and being counted.