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Published on 7/6/2023
I have also mentored start-ups that receive funding from Commonwealth of Virginia's cyber fund. I have a Master's degree in Psychology and have taught college level Psychology courses. I am currently a student at NOVA taking a programming class. 
4)  How long have you been an MCA member?  4 Years
5)  What is the value of being an MCA member? In the time I've been a member I understand the value that MCA brings over time.  In my first year there was a lot of focus on the American Legion bridge issue and living near that project showed me that MCA is a relevant advocacy group.  From there it grew into other resolutions that were so impactful that my respect for the MCA and the committees have increased.  The resolutions are the most important work that we provide on behalf of our community.
6)  What were the key issues or reasons that you joined MCA? I wanted to get involved in the local issues of Mclean and MCA has definitely provided that education and furthermore the community engagement.
7)  Which of our committees have you been a member of and what issues have you been involved with as a member? I served on the membership committee and this past year joined EP&R due to my strong drive to reduce waste, improve air quality and re-use passion.
8)  Is there a particular issue that MCA has addressed that has directly impacted you/your community?  The transportation committee's continued efforts around the expansion of 495, the B&T committee on reviewing the county budget, the education committee's analysis on the school expansion efforts are all very critical pieces of work to me.
9)  What do you like most about MCA/advice for potential members who are considering joining MCA? I like the research and analysis that the committees provide. I also enjoy the friendships I've made.