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McLean Citizens Association:
McLean's Unofficial Town Hall

The McLean Citizens Association (MCA) is a volunteer, non-governmental organization that has served since 1914 as an unofficial town hall for the residents of greater McLean, which has no governmental structure of its own.
MCA provides a dynamic, responsive forum for McLean area residents to voice their opinions on critical issues affecting the area.









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What Is The MCA And What Does MCA Do?

·       The MCA is a volunteer, non-partisan civic association that has represented the interests of McLean-area residents since 1914. 

·       Quite simply, the MCA ensures that citizens have a voice on issues that affect their quality of life and that their interests and concerns are presented to – and considered by – Fairfax County and locally elected state representatives. 

·       MCACommitteeshave expertise with local issues and develop resolutions and letters for approval by the MCA Board of Directors, expressing support or opposition to policies and projects, that are transmitted to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, the Fairfax County Public School Board, and other county officials and the state senators and delegates who represent this area.

·       The MCA sponsors public information meetings -- where residents can hear from – and ask their questions directly to -- State and County officials – and other events such as local candidate debates and fun events such as “I Love McLean” parties where residents can celebrate this great area and meet their neighbors.

Why Is The MCA’s Work Relevant To You?  Right now, the McLean Area is facing a number of challenges and critical issues that the MCA is working on, including, to name but a few:

·       Tysons Casino– The MCA is helping to lead the efforts to prevent the construction of a casino in Tysons.  Proposed legislation would authorize Fairfax County to approve a casino even though the County has not requested this authority and many county residents are strongly opposed to the idea.

·       Tysons Expansion– With the construction of the Metro through Tysons, commercial and residential growth is exploding.  The impact of this growth will have a substantial impact on local residents.  The MCA is working to monitor proposed new development projects and report on concerns and make recommendations to Fairfax County on zoning and land use applications.

·       Ensuring Quality Public Education– The Tysons growth and population changes threaten school resources and the high-quality public education area students receive.  The MCA works with the School Board and Public School System on matters such as proposed school boundary changes, teacher compensation, classroom sizes and other important education issues.

·       Revitalization of Downtown Mclean– Major efforts are underway to transform downtown McLean.  How will this affect you and local residents?  The MCA has been actively engaged with the local planning efforts to make sure that citizen concerns are addressed.

·       Transportation and Traffic Congestion– The MCA is continually engaged with the Virginia and Fairfax Transportation Departments to advocate for improvements to local roads, intersections, biking/pedestrian trails and local transit to reduce congestion and safety concerns.


  • A Volunteer Organization: The MCA is a volunteer, non-partisan civic association that has represented the interests of McLean-area residents since 1914. 
  • Advocates for Community Interests: Quite simply, the MCA ensures that citizens have a voice on issues that affect their quality of life and that their interests and concerns are presented to – and considered by – Fairfax County and locally elected state representatives.  
  • Experts on Local Issues: MCA Committees have expertise with local issues and develop resolutions and letters for approval by the MCA Board of Directors, expressing support or opposition to policies and projects, that are transmitted to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, the Fairfax County Public School Board, and other county officials and the state senators and delegates who represent this area.
  • Event Sponsors: The MCA sponsors public information meetings -- where residents can hear from – and ask their questions directly to -- State and County officials – and other events such as local candidate debates and fun events such as “I Love McLean” parties where residents can celebrate this great area and meet their neighbors.


Right now, the McLean Area is facing a number of challenges and critical issues that the MCA is working on, including, to name but a few:

  • Tysons Casino – The MCA is helping to lead the efforts to prevent the construction of a casino in Tysons.  Proposed legislation would authorize Fairfax County to approve a casino even though the County has not requested this authority and many county residents are strongly opposed to the idea.
  • Tysons Expansion – With the construction of the Metro through Tysons, commercial and residential growth is exploding.  The impact of this growth will have a substantial impact on local residents.  The MCA is working to monitor proposed new development projects and report on concerns and make recommendations to Fairfax County on zoning and land use applications.
  • Ensuring Quality Public Education – The Tysons growth and population changes threaten school resources and the high-quality public education area students receive.  The MCA works with the School Board and Public School System on matters such as proposed school boundary changes, teacher compensation, classroom sizes and other important education issues.
  • Revitalization of Downtown Mclean – Major efforts are underway to transform downtown McLean.  How will this affect you and local residents?  The MCA has been actively engaged with the local planning efforts to make sure that citizen concerns are addressed.
  • Transportation and Traffic Congestion – The MCA is continually engaged with the Virginia and Fairfax Transportation Departments to advocate for improvements to local roads, intersections, biking/pedestrian trails and local transit to reduce congestion and safety concerns.