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Date: 1/29/2024
From: McLean Citizens Association

Dear Members of the Economic Development and Natural Resources Subcommittee:

The McLean Citizens Association (“MCA”) opposes Senate Bill 675 that would authorize a referendum to allow a gaming casino to operate in Fairfax County, specifically in Tysons, the majority of which lies within the MCA’s general membership area.  Our membership and Board are concerned that the funds generated for the County, will not offset the cost of increased infrastructure to include traffic, police, fire and emergency services, and other societal costs that are highly correlated with casinos.  Further, the MCA was very involved in the Tysons Comprehensive Plan that allowed Tysons to grow into the economic engine it is today.  We do not believe that a casino fits into the plan or enhances it.

Some misinformation has been circulated regarding the opposition to this Bill.   I want to assure you that MCA has not been contacted by, lobbied or received funds from MGM.  There is overwhelming community opposition to a casino in Tysons or elsewhere in the County.  This is evidenced by email traffic and the uptick in MCA's membership as residents clamor to unite and defeat this Bill.  Countywide opposition is evidenced by the emerging coalition of civic associations that oppose a casino.

We respectfully request that this Bill be withdrawn due to irregularities and prescribed practices that are not fair, transparent nor consistent with Fairfax County policies and procedures.  At a minimum, the following questions should be addressed before this Bill is moved out of this subcommittee:

1.  To quote the letter that was sent by Fairfax County Chairman McKay to General Assembly Leaders on January 26, "Unlike other jurisdictions that received the authority to hold a referendum to host a casino, Fairfax County did not seek authority and has not been substantively involved in the development of the casino concept ......."  Senator Marsden has stated that discussions and input was had with Fairfax County.  Please clarify what discussions were conducted with the county and describe the support that was offered by the Chairman and/or other Fairfax County Supervisors.
2.  Senate Bill 675 specifies the site and Senator Marsden has confirmed the location with various journalists.  This is highly unusual as it obviously benefits individuals/companies who had previously purchased or had an option to purchase the designated location.  Preselection is not consistent with generally accepted procurement practices for governmental entities.  Additionally, the language deviates from the language used for other authorized casino cities/localities. Please explain.

Again, MCA requests this Bill be withdrawn to allow further dialogue with the Fairfax County Chair and Board of Supervisors to identified needs and do a feasibility study.


Linda Walsh
(703) 300-0819

cc: Senate Finance Committe
Fairfax County Chairman and Board of Supervisors

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