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Date: 1/9/2024
Subject: New Release: MCA Opposed Legislation to Allow Casinos in Fairfax County
From: McLean Citizens Association

McLean Citizens Association Board of Directors authorized the MCA Executive Committee to write a letter to the Fairfax County delegation of State Senators and Delegates opposing legislation to allow gaming casinos to operate in Fairfax County.  The letter was sent out this morning, one day before the 2024 General Assembly Legislative Session commences.  I have pasted in the content below.  You may also access the letter using the link at the bottom of this email.
Senator Marsden introduced a bill in the 2023 session that would make it possible to locate a casino in Fairfax County.  The 2023 bill was withdrawn.  It is reported that he will reintroduce that bill in the 2024 session. No bill has been filed at this point.  To look at the 2023 bill Senator Marsden introduced, click this link - Bill Tracking - 2023 session > Legislation (   
Key dates:
  • Virginia General Assembly begins tomorrow, January 10
  • Last day to introduce bills is Friday, January 19, 2024
Should the General Assembly pass a bill that expands where casinos can be located, the citizens of the proposed location (Fairfax County is this case) would vote in a referendum. 
Many of our members and residents have contacted MCA Board members to express their opposition to allowing casinos to be operated in Fairfax County.  MCA is watching this closely.
Linda Walsh
MCA President
(703) 300-0819

January 8, 2024


State Senators and Delegates

Representing Fairfax County



Sent via email.


Dear Fairfax County Delegation to the State Senate and House of Delegates:


The McLean Citizens Association (“MCA”) has recently become aware of intentions to introduce legislation in the upcoming session of the Virginia Assembly that would amend the Code of Virginia, Title 58.1 Chapter 41 in a way that would allow a gaming casino to operate in Fairfax County. Among other suggested sites, proponents of this effort have named Tysons, the majority of which lies within the MCA’s general membership area, as a potential location for a casino. 


Since the bill has not yet been submitted in the Assembly, MCA is not able to comment on it in detail at this time. However, many members of MCA are concerned about this initiative. Accordingly, the MCA Board has voted to express its opposition to legislation that would allow a gaming casino in Fairfax County.




Linda Walsh

MCA President


Cc:  The Chair and Members of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors

        Ben Wiles, Dranesville District Supervisor’s Staff

MCA Opposes Legislation to Allow Casinos in Fairfax County

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