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E&Y General Discussions

Student need
James Beggs

At the December MDA Board meeting, we briefly discussed a McLean High School student who was supporting his family with 2 jobs - all while a full time student with ambitions to study for a career in the FBI. I have finally gotten information on how to make a contribution to support his efforts. See information from the McLean High School PTA below.


We have only been accepting direct donations in order to gather the funds to help the family avoid eviction, it was all moving very fast. At this point the good news is, we have enough to keep them in their home through next June, so the son can graduate from Mclean high school, without having to work two jobs and carry the financial responsibility for his entire family, since his mother got sick, and lost her job. Any additional funds that we have left after rent and utilities have been paid will go toward the student’s college fund. He is studying criminal justice through the Academy program and wants to ultimately be in the FBI. We have connected him with a consultant that is helping him apply to George Mason University. 

If MCA or affiliated members wants to donate gift cards directly to the family, they can put them in an envelope and specify on the envelope that you would like them to go “directly to the family with the student in the December 6 newsletter".  We will honor that. The newsletter is at: (  

The address is McLean High School, 1633 Davidson Road, McLean, Virginia  22101


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