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Date: 9/11/2024
Subject: September MCA - In The News
From: McLean Citizens Association


From the President

Welcome Back


Hope everyone enjoyed a fun and restorative summer. After taking a hiatus during August, MCA has hit the ground running tackling new issues and providing public forums (see upcoming events). I urge you to read the Agenda and Committee Reports slidedeck that is sent out before the monthly Board of Directors meeting. It provides insight into what the committees are working on and includes upcoming speakers. All MCA meetings are open to the public – you do not need to be a committee member to attend.

MCA is celebrating our 110th Anniversary!  Please join us at a reception on November 14 and a Historical Walk on November 16. 


A short update on the Casino – All indications are that VA Senator Marsden will pursue a bill to allow a casino to be developed in Fairfax County. The No Fairfax Coalition (MCA is a member) is organizing the opposition.  We urge leaders of Homeowners, Civic, faith-based, service, and other community organizations to attend the Virtual Community Leadership Planning Webinar, on September 18, 7:00 pm. Registration is required and not transferable. There will be guest speakers from the Stop Predatory Gambling Foundation followed by a discussion on opposition strategy and a question-and-answer period.

Linda Walsh, President

Mark Your Calendar

Upcoming Events:

Movie Under the Stars. Friday, September 20th, 6pm-10pm, Franklin Sherman Elementary School. The event is hosted by McLean Revitalization Corporation (see article on MCA liaisons below) and features "Despicable Me 3," chosen by McLean families.
McLean 5K to benefit McLean Community Foundation. Saturday, October 5th. Run! Donate! (write MCA in the "company info" space -- our goal is $2K in donations from MCA members). Volunteer at Signupgenius or contact Steve Donovan
McLean Volunteer Fire Department Open House. 1455 Laughlin Avenue. Saturday, October 12th, 10am-4pm: Volunteer at Signupgenius or contact Raj Mehra
MCA 110th Anniversary Celebration. Thursday, November 14th, 7pm-9pm, McLean Community Center Community Hall: Come celebrate and enjoy refreshments as we honor our past as the oldest active county civic organization and look forward to a future of continued involvement in the issues that impact McLean residents. Volunteer contact: Merrily Pierce
MCA 110th Anniversary History Walk. Saturday, November 16th, 9:30am-12:pm, meet at Old Firehouse Teen Center, 1440 Chain Bridge Road: Join a one-hour tour of MCA-related historical sites in our downtown. Volunteer contact: Merrily Pierce

Spotlight on MCA Liaisons

Committee Spotlight: Liaisons to McLean Organizations
McLean Community Center
The motto of the McLean Community Center (MCC) is exactly right: It really is the center of it all. MCC offers activities for adults and children, including classes, lectures, study tours, and camps. MCC is the site of the Alden Theatre, McLean's 383-seat performing arts venue, and hosts year-round family-friendly events. It's also where MCA holds its Board and Committee meetings and many of its annual and special events. Led by an elected Governing Board, the MCC is currently updating its Strategic Plan, working on its 2025 Budget, and planning to celebrate its 50th Anniversary.
MCC is also a co-sponsor of the McLean 5K (see Upcoming Events, above)
MCA's liaison to MCC is Jim Lawless.

McLean Planning Committee
The McLean Planning Committee (MPC) guides the planning process for the McLean Community Business Center (CBC) by advocating for conformance with the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan, zoning ordinances, the McLean CBC Design Standards and County revitalization goals. Currently, the MPC is looking into speed reduction options for Old Dominion Drive and on-street parking possibilities in the Central Business District.
As one of four groups that comprise the organization, MCA has four Directors -- Sharon Gamble (Treasurer); Maya Huber; Merrily Pierce; Rich Salopek -- and four alternates -- Connie Fan; Jennifer Longmeyer-Wood; Steve DelBianco; Kent Holland -- on the MPC. The Committee's next meeting will be held on September 18th at 7pm at the MCC.
McLean Revitalization Corporation
The McLean Revitalization Corporation (MRC) was formed in 1998 to encourage and foster the revitalization of downtown McLean as a cohesive business and residential location with offices, retail shops, restaurants, residences and parks. MRC is expanding its Board and is particularly interested in candidates with experience in fundraising, finance, and event planning. MRC is the host of McLean's Movie Under the Stars event on September 20th (see Upcoming Events, above), with public safety assistance from MCA's public safety liaison. Be on the lookout for the MRC McLean Restaurant Guide featuring McLean's 52 (!) restaurants, which will be available at Movie Night and distributed throughout McLean.
MCA's liaison to MRC is Camille White-Partain.
Committees: The Heart of MCA
Budget & Taxation (B&T)
Planning & Zoning (P&Z)
Education & Youth (E&Y)
Environment, Parks & Recreation (EP&R)
Liaisons to Organizations:
McLean Community Center (MCC)
McLean Planning Committee (MPC)
McLean Revitalization Corporation (MRC)
Other Liaisons:
Public Safety

MCA's Committees study issues affecting residents of the McLean Area; develop MCA Resolutions and letters on issues of public significance; and organize public citizen information sessions where local elected officials, Fairfax County representatives and others address specific areas of interest.
Each Committee is made up of volunteers, many of whom have considerable experience and expertise on subjects that the Committee oversees.
You must be a member of the MCA in order to join an MCA Committee.
If you're interested in joining a Committee, or if there is an issue affecting the McLean Area that you think the Committee should investigate, contact the Committee Chair. Thank you for helping to keep MCA an effective advocate for the greater McLean community!

Land Use Policy

MCA Committees Learn About "Plan Forward" Policy Plan Updates

At its August 27th meeting, MCA's Planning & Zoning (P&Z) Committee hosted a meeting attended by members of MCA's Transportation Committee and its Environment, Parks, and Recreation (EP&R) Committee to hear from Fairfax County Planning & Development staff about the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan Amendment to update the Countywide Policy Plan known as "Plan Forward."

The Comprehensive Plan Amendment is intended to bring the Policy Plan in line with the Countywide Strategic Plan, the County's "One Fairfax" Policy that focuses on equitable distribution of resources and equitable access to opportunity, and other recently adopted policies and initiatives such as the emphasis on community health.  As staff explained, the last time there was a comprehensive review of the County's Policy Plan was in 1990, making the review long overdue. Other current issues and goals likely to impact today's policies include sustainable building practices, invasive plant species, increased flooding risks, and a focus on multi-modal transportation and urban walkability, to cite a few examples. The presentation slidedeck is available here.

Phase I includes review of Land Use; Transportation; Environment; Parks & Recreation; and Human Services; and the new sections on Community Health and Equity. Staff's presentation to MCA committees is part of their initial outreach, with further community feedback sought in early 2025. Public hearings on Phase I will be scheduled about a year from now.

The County is working with several consultants on issues such as office building repurposing, retail and industrial sectors, and transportation, with consultants examining trends and reviewing the plans of similar jurisdictions.

The County presenters answered attendees’ questions about the impact on services of the trend away from office building construction, how the Policy Plan will balance the need for data centers against resource and environmental concerns, and other issues. The meeting video is available here.

MCA's Transportation Committee Reiterates Support for Critical Sidewalk Project
On September 3, 2024, the MCA Transportation Committee Chair wrote a letter to Dranesville Supervisor Jimmy Bierman reiterating MCA’s support for the installation of a sidewalk along Birch Road from Birch Grove Court to Kirby Road to address serious pedestrian safety issues. This project was supported by a January 2022 MCA resolution.
Schoolchildren on their way to nearby schools are forced to walk on this hazardous stretch of Birch Road where there is no sidewalk. Local residents, who also rely on amenities at these schools, are often seen walking on Birch road, pushing strollers with children, due to the lack of a sidewalk. This stretch of road is also a crucial pathway for pedestrians and bicyclists accessing various local establishments.
The letter requested the County to fully fund this project and requested the County to do more to expedite this project; it was approved for partial funding in December 2023 as part of the County's Active Transportation initiative, but still has not reached the design stage.

Assist the County with its Zero Waste Initiative

Fill out your Trash & Recycling Survey Today

Help Fairfax County with its Zero Waste initiative by filling out a brief online survey that asks questions about your trash and recycling practices and seeks your opinions on proposed countywide Zero Waste strategies. According to members of MCA's Environment, Parks and Recreation Committee, in just the few minutes it takes to complete the survey, you can learn a lot about the initiative and how you can help.


The survey (available in Spanish) is open until Sept 30th.



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