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Date: 7/11/2024
Subject: Revision of MCA Bylaws and Policies and Procedures Manual
From: Glenn Harris

Dear MCA Board Members:

As you know from the last Board meeting, a committee was established for the purpose of considering and recommending to the MCA Executive Committee and the Board possible revisions to the MCA Bylaws and MCA Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM).  This is consistent with section 13.1 of the PPM, which calls for "a periodic review" of the PPM.  As background, I note that section 13.1 also states that "Amendments, revisions, or new policies and procedures may be proposed by any member of the Board of Directors" and that "[a]pproval shall be by majority of the Board, present and voting."  Article XIII of the Bylaws, however, states that any changes to the Bylaws must be approved at a meeting of MCA members.  Bylaw revisions are generally reviewed and approved by the Board prior to being sent to the membership.

If any board member would like to suggest revisions to the Bylaws or PPM, both of which can be found on the MCA website, please send them to me no later than Sunday July 28 at  Your suggested revision should include the specific Article and section number where you think the revision should be made, the specific language you are proposing to add or delete, and the rationale for the revision you propose.

Thanks for your interest in helping to improve the policies and procedures and governing bylaws of the MCA.

Glenn Harris