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Date: 7/8/2024
Subject: July/August MCA - In The News
From: McLean Citizens Association


From the President


Just a reminder that MCA does not meet in August.  We will spend the time getting ready for a very busy fall.  Please save the date for the MCA 110th birthday celebration on the evening of November 14.



We invite you to join an MCA Committee to get regular updates and the opportunity to shape MCA’s responses to the following important initiatives. 

  • McLean Community Business Center (CBC) Pilot Study – Fairfax County Department of Transportation is exploring ways to make downtown McLean safer and more bicycle and pedestrian friendly. While the date for public comment has passed there is an opportunity to contact the study team. For more information visit the website. Join the MCA’s Transportation Committee for an opportunity to shape MCA’s response.
  • Plan Forward, Countywide Policy Plan Review - The Board of Supervisors has launched Plan Forward, an initiative to update the Countywide Policy Plan. The Countywide Policy Plan deals with land use, transportation, housing, environment, economic development, public facilities and other issues that impact our community. Again, the county will provide opportunities for community input. For more information visit the website. MCA’s Planning and Zoning, Transportation and Environment, Parks and Recreation Committees will formulate positions related to any proposed changes.



Unfortunately, MCA's First Vice President, Paul Kohlenberger, resigned. Paul has served on the MCA Board for over 10 years and has generously given of his time and talents to effectively advocate for our community. We want to express our sincerest appreciation for his contributions.

The MCA is seeking a candidate to fill the 1st Vice President position. Should it be filled with an existing Board Member, it will create an open Board position. If you are interested in serving as First Vice President or as a Board member, please complete the application and submit it by July 31st. If you have questions, please reach out to Linda Walsh, MCA President, at



We want to thank Rip Sullivan, Virginia State Delegate, District 6, for addressing the MCA Board at its July meeting. As a result of redistricting, Rip now represents most of McLean and Great Falls, and according to Rip, redistricting has had a profound impact on the makeup of the General Assembly, with turnover of more than one-third of each chamber. He noted that the legislature prides itself on bi-partisan collaboration and pointed out that most of the bills sent to Governor Youngkin during the 2024 legislative session had bi-partisan support. 


Rip gave a synopsis of the 2024 legislative session. Although he was pleased that the casino bill failed to pass, he emphasized that Senator Marsden is committed to reintroducing the Bill in 2025 if he feels he has local support. Rip’s cautionary words were to be prepared should the bill resurface in 2025.



It is anticipated that the Casino Bill will be reintroduced in 2025 by Senator Marsden unless the Fairfax Board of Supervisors expresses its opposition. The No Fairfax Casino Coalition continues to organize the opposition and is planning a rally in late October. We will need the support of the voters in Fairfax County to effectively lobby our Supervisors. What can you do:

  • Sign the No Casino petition.
  • Donate –Your financial support will help us fund outreach to raise awareness and get more people involved across Fairfax County.
  • Stay Informed – Join the NoFairfaxCasino Facebook page. This is a closed group. When prompted, let the administrators know that you are affiliated with MCA. Or just make it a habit to visit the coalitions webpage for updates.
  • Spread the Word – We need everyone in Fairfax County to express their opposition. Send the links to the petition and our Facebook page to your friends and family who reside in Fairfax County.
  • Display a yard sign and/or bumper sticker – They are free and can be pick up at 1518 Mintwood Drive, McLean, VA 22101.
Linda Walsh, President

Issues that Impact Your Quality of Life: Planning & Zoning

MCA Letter Supports Reasonable Limits on Data Centers

Northern Virginia is now the primary location of the data center industry. These facilities are essential to the way in which we conduct business, learn and live our lives. They are also a source of employment and tax revenue. While for these reasons MCA does not oppose data centers, per se, it believes that, without additional regulations, they can be harmful to the environment and to the character of our communities.

In its letter addressing the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment on data centers scheduled for public hearing before the Planning Commission on June 5, 2024, MCA detailed its general support for the Board of Supervisors' efforts to strengthen the current regulations concerning data centers and County Staff's May 17th Staff Report, and offered the following suggestions:

  • Data centers explicitly should not be permitted in Planned Residential Community (PRC) Districts (shown as Option 1 in the Staff Report);
  • The standard setback for data centers from residential areas should be at least 250 feet, with consideration given for the impact on residential areas (Staff recommended 200 feet, with an option of up to 500 feet);
  • The minimum distance from Metro stations should be set to protect the integrity of residential areas (Staff recommended one-half mile, with an option for one mile);
  • Repurposing should not be used as a justification for centers with sizes that exceed the relevant District size limits (Staff recommended as an option that greater size may be allowed when data centers are located in existing buildings).

After a five-hour hearing, the Planning Commission issued it decision on data centers on June 5th. The decision included the following provisions:
  • a prohibition on data centers in PRC Districts;
  • a 200-foot setback from residential areas, and in addition, any power or HVAC equipment located on the ground must be either 500 feet from residential areas or on the other side of the data center from residential areas;
  • a one-mile minimum distance from Metro stations;
  • Special Exception needed to exceed District size limits.
The Board of Supervisors will vote on the amendment on July 16th.

In addition, MCA's letter identified other concerns that cannot be remedied in a zoning ordinance amendment:

  • Increased electricity demand 
  • Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) 
  • Water Quality

The letter urged the County to address these issues to the extent possible through the Countywide Policy Plan amendment to the Comprehensive Plan that is getting underway. The letter also acknowledges that some issues related to data centers will need to be addressed at the state level and urges the Board to request that our representatives in Richmond support bills that will address them.

*     *     *

MCA Letter Endorses Proposed For-Sale Workforce Dwelling Unit Program Amendments

Fairfax County’s Guidelines for the Provision of Workforce Housing, a component of the Comprehensive Plan’s Policy Plan, recommends that development proposals with a residential component provide a percentage of the units committed for households at affordable rates. The county administers programs to encourage the provision of both for-sale and rental WDUs in line with the policy. The for-sale WDU policy applies to proposed developments within the county’s designated mixed-use centers, including the Tysons Urban Center, suburban centers, transit station areas, and community business centers.
In its letter recommending that the Board of Supervisors (BOS) endorse County Staff's proposed amendment to its Workforce Dwelling Unit (WDU) homebuyer program, MCA set out its reasons for backing the amendment’s three primary provisions:

--MCA supports replacing the top WDU bracket of 120% Average Median Income (AMI) with a bracket for 70% AMI and below because this change recognizes both the difficulty of selling units that compete directly with market-rate units as well as the need for more affordable units.

--MCA supports increasing the availability of affordable family-sized (three bedroom and up) units because it will make the program more likely to meet the needs of families.

--MCA supports expanding the WDU program beyond designated mixed-use centers to those with similar density because there are many developments with 8 dwelling units per acre located near mixed-use centers that could easily be part of the program.

MCA also backed Staff’s recommendation that the Merrifield plan restriction on accepting monetary contributions in lieu of providing WDUs be extended to apply to the Tysons plan; MCA feels strongly that cash contributions should only be accepted from a developer proposing to build in Tysons if the developer can show that the provision of WDUs is not feasible.

On June 12, 2024, the Planning Commission voted 10-0 to recommend that the BOS adopt the staff recommendation. The BOS public hearing for this Plan amendment is scheduled for Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.
Committee Spotlight: Planning & Zoning Committee


The Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Committee reviews McLean area land use permit applications that are scheduled to be heard by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors or the Board of Zoning Appeals. The Committee also reviews proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plans for McLean and Tysons. As the MCA committee that submits the largest number of resolutions and letters for approval by the MCA Board, P&Z reviews, analyzes and makes recommendations on issues impacting McLean area residents’ quality of life.


P&Z Case Managers -- typically two per case, with a more experienced member assisting a newer member -- are guided by respect for the rights of all stakeholders and current policies of Fairfax County and the Commonwealth. P&Z usually does not consider cases that involve “by-right development,” though it may monitor these cases in order to keep MCA informed about their progress. Case Managers participate in meetings with applicants, community members and Fairfax County land use staff. They are guided by the County’s Comprehensive Plans and the Zoning Ordinance but are open to consideration of reasonable requests for comprehensive plan amendments, waivers and/or modifications that are beneficial to the community.


In recommending positions for approval by the MCA Board, P&Z proposes letters and resolutions based on facts and reasoned assessment and analysis. Cases reviewed since this time last year include:

For more information, the Committee recommends visiting the website of Fairfax County's Department of Planning & Development.

The P&Z Committee typically meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month. We are always looking for new members.

-- Bob Perito, Committee Chair
*     *     *
Committees: The Heart of MCA
Budget & Taxation (B&T)
Planning & Zoning (P&Z)
Education & Youth (E&Y)
Environment, Parks & Recreation (EP&R)
Liaisons: Public Safety; McLean Planning Committee (MPC); McLean Revitalization Corporation (MRC); Seniors

MCA's Committees study issues affecting residents of the McLean Area; develop MCA Resolutions and letters on issues of public significance; and organize public citizen information sessions where local elected officials, Fairfax County representatives and others address specific areas of interest.
Each Committee is made up of volunteers, many of whom have considerable experience and expertise on subjects that the Committee oversees.
You must be a member of the MCA in order to join an MCA Committee.
If you're interested in joining a Committee, or if there is an issue affecting the McLean Area that you think the Committee should investigate, contact the Committee Chair. Thank you for helping to keep MCA an effective advocate for the greater McLean community!

Public Safety

Fire & Rescue and Police in Tysons and Surrounding Communities


On June 20th, the Greater Tysons Citizens Coalition, in cooperation with MCA’s Public Safety Liaison, hosted its annual public safety meeting. Invited representatives from Fairfax County’s fire, rescue and police departments gave attendees an update on areas of concern and discussed plans for addressing future growth.


Eric Craven, Assistant Chief, and Laurie Stone, Planning Manager, Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department, provided some facts and statistics, including:

  • Fairfax County Fire & Rescue responded to 125,000 incidents in 2023;
  • Call volume over the first six months of 2024 is up 10% over the first six months of 2023;
  • Fire Station 44 in Scott’s Run opened in August 2021 and is fully staffed with 3 units;
  • Fire Station 29 will be relocated to the Tysons Transit Station at the intersection of International Drive & Jones Branch Drive, where it will have the capacity to almost double the current staff (expected completion date – 2028);
  • There are 45 Tysons intersections enrolled in the emergency vehicle preemption program that allows emergency response drivers to change signals to green as they approach.


Captain Brad Libby, Assistant Commander, and MPO Carolyn Beyer, Crime Prevention Officer, McLean District Police Station, shared crime and safety information, including the following:

  • With 1,492 sworn positions and 138 vacancies county-wide, staffing continues to be a challenge, though there are reasons for optimism, including recent academy graduating classes;
  • Fairfax County continues to be the safest jurisdiction out of the country’s 70 largest cities and counties;
  • McLean District is now partnering with several area HOAs who have agreed to provide real-time access to security cameras and automated license plate readers to assist with crime investigations;
  • Shoplifting incidents with apprehensions are up 46% since 2019, due largely to the strength of the Tysons Corner team;
  • The County’s Road Shark initiative periodically increases police visibility and enforcement of laws against aggressive and unsafe driving.


Our local first responders answered attendees’ questions about scams, noisy vehicles, the prospect of a casino in Tysons, and more. The meeting video is available here.

MCA Urges Funding of Power Lift Cots

Fairfax County Emergency Medical Service (EMS) medics traditionally rely on manual load cots to transport patients from a rescue site to the hospital. Over the past six years, there have been 60 injuries to Fire and Rescue Department EMS staff which were reported to have occurred during the process of loading patients to and from the transport units, and several patients have sustained injuries as a result of cot drops.
In response to these issues, MCA's Budget & Taxation (B&T) Committee researched and drafted a resolution urging the Board of Supervisors to develop a plan to outfit Fairfax County's entire fleet of transport units with power lift cots, which use hydraulics to assist with the heavy lifting. A short video of the cot in action is available here.
The resolution notes the following facts:
--  Neighboring jurisdictions, including Montgomery County, Maryland, the District of Columbia, and Loudoun County, have procured power lift cots for all of their frontline units and most of their reserve units.
--   FEMA offers grants to fire departments for critical training and equipment, and grants for power lift cots are also available from the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services, Department of Health, Rescue Squad Assistance Fund.

At the Committee's June 20th meeting, Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department Deputy Chief Rocco Alvaro gave a presentation providing further financial and logistical details. MCA approved the resolution at its July 3rd Board meeting.

National Night Out:

America's Night Out Against Crime

August 6, 2024
National Night Out is an annual neighborhood-based crime prevention event observed in thousands of communities in all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities and military bases around the world.
  • Between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. neighbors, friends and families lock their doors, turn on outside lights and spend the evening outside together.
  • Police officers and other public safety partners visit with as many neighborhood gatherings as possible.

    How can I get involved?
  • Offer to help support your neighborhood block party, cookout or other planned event.
  • Volunteer to organize an event or gathering if none is planned in your neighborhood.
  • Sign up your community event here.
  • Sign-up closes July 26th!
For more information, email McLean District Crime Prevention Officer Carolyn Beyer.

Keep McLean Green: Plant a Tree

The McLean Trees Foundation Neighborhood Trees Program
Wants to Help You Plant A Native Tree in Your Yard!

Don’t know how to plant a tree but want to support the environmental health of your community? Want your family to have the experience of planting a tree? McLean Trees Foundation can help!
If you live in McLean, Virginia, the nonprofit McLean Trees Foundation (MTF) will help you select an appropriate native tree for your property, deliver the tree to your yard, help you plant it, provide information on maintenance, and even check back with you a few months after planting to see how your tree is doing.  If you are interested in participating in this terrific program to boost our native tree canopy in McLean, please visit the MTF website and submit your application (limit one 6-7 foot tree in 15 gallon container per household). A modest fee of $100 is assessed to cover the costs of the program.
There's a separate program for those who are interested in spearheading a community tree planting campaign in their neighborhood.  MTF’s Tree Champion program makes it easy to help your neighbors plant more trees!  For more information, visit the MTF website and scroll to the bottom of the page.
More native trees in McLean, more trees in your yard — it’s a win-win!  Follow MTF on Instagram @mcleantrees

MCA Senior Programs:
Enriching the Lives of McLean's Seniors and Seniors-in-Training

Dementia Man Performance and Discussion
Co-Hosted by MCA and Supervisor Bierman
June 2, 2024
More photos here


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