In recent weeks, FCPS posted their proposed 2026-30 CIP:
In the past week, MCA's E&Y Committee (along with the B&T Committee) approved a letter which MCA's Executive Committee also signed off on (due to time constraints, there was a desire to issue the letter prior to this Wednesday's monthly MCA Board meeting). The letter calls for the proposed Dunn Loring ES to be deferred, at least until such time as the data in the CIP actually supports construction of additional capacity in that location. That letter is attached, and the School Board will be voting on the CIP tomorrow (Thursday).
School Board member Ryan McElveen has submitted a motion to amend the CIP which is largely consistent with MCA's stance re: Dunn Loring, however is broader in scope than MCA's recommendation, and essentially asks for a re-evaluation of ALL currently-proposed (but not yet under construction) projects, rather than just Dunn Loring ES.
It seems likely that this approach was taken in consultation with other Board members to not single out a single project and obtain broader support/buy-in from other Board members. Sending this for your awareness so that if you desire to write emails and/or speak out in your individual capacity in advance of tomrorow's vote that you have the opportunity to do so.
FYI, there were also two follow-ons submitted in addition to Ryan's amendment to the main motion, which are also listed below.
Amendments to the Main Motion:
1) I move to direct the Superintendent to (1) pause any construction/renovation projects that are identified on page 44 of the Proposed FY 2026-2030 CIP as Planning/Design, Permitting, or Future Project, and (2) prepare a comprehensive report to the School Board by May 8, 2025 with different options and recommendations for re-allocating the funding for said projects to reduce the infrastructure backlog, reduce the maintenance backlog, and/or support higher priority construction/renovation projects.
Follow-on Motions to the Main Motion:
1) I move that the School Board direct the Superintendent to provide to the Board by July 2025 a recommendation to address the parking shortage at Justice High School in accordance with the deliberations of the Justice High School Pyramid Community Working Group, established pursuant to the County’s RZ 2021-MA-00026 July 20, 2022 Proffer Statement, to include responses to the committee’s recommendations which include (1) parallel parking on northbound Peace Valley Lane; and (2) neighborhood pedestrian and bike upgrades to enable safe non-vehicular travel to Justice HS.
2) I move to direct the Superintendent to engage with the County Executive to explore the issuance of additional (or standalone) bonds to augment the funding available for school construction, infrastructure, maintenance, and renovation, to include a potential green bond and to deliver a report to the School Board with options and recommendations by May 8, 2025.