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Nominations now open for MCA Board & MCF Trustee Vacancies for 2025-2026

Published on 2/17/2025
Consider Board Service
MCA is seeking candidates to serve on the MCA Board for the June 1, 2025, to May 31, 2026, term. I am reaching out to encourage you to nominate a member of your community to apply. The official announcement and links to the application are below.

MCA is a non-partisan citizens' advocacy organization that amplifies residents’ voices and assists with grassroots efforts, thereby increasing the power of our individual votes. Each month as I preside over the MCA Board Meeting, I am astonished at the range of issues MCA works on. As you all know, MCA has been at the forefront of the efforts to kill the casino bill, but many of the issues MCA works on are not reported on the front page of our local newspapers. Behind the scenes, MCA Committees are busy working on development issues, parks, recreation, stormwater management, and invasive species mitigation, active transportation projects such as bike paths and sidewalks, public safety, budget/spending issues and school issues of all kinds.
MCA is a 110-year-old organization. It is important for us to continue to evolve and effectively address and advocate for the citizens who live in the Greater McLean Area (Tysons, Falls Church, Vienna and McLean). With a seat on the Board, your representative can help us formulate and take positions on issues that impact our quality of life.

If you have any questions, you may contact the Nominating Committee (see contact information below), or reach out to me via email or phone. Please note that the application deadline is March 11, but if you need more time, please contact the Nominating Committee.
Linda Walsh
(703) 300-0819

MCA Announces Open Nominations for 2025 MCA Board of Directors and MCF Board of Trustees

The McLean Citizens Association is seeking candidates for open Officer and Director positions on the 2025-26 MCA Board of Directors. Directors on the 40-member Board serve either as a Homeowners/Citizens Association Representative, or At-Large. This is an opportunity for members of MCA to become more involved with this effective and influential citizens association that advocates for the interests of residents of the Greater McLean area.

If you are interested in serving our community as a member of the MCA Board, please complete theApplication - MCA Board of Directors (2025)and submit it via e-mail, or by U.S. Mail, postmarked on or before March 10, 2025.

While the preference is that applications be submitted via email, if that is not an option, you can mail it to: MCA Nominating Committee, PO Box 273, McLean, VA 22101.

If you have any questions, please contact the Nominating Committee

McLean Community Foundation Trustee Openings

The MCF is also seeking candidates for open Trustee positions on the 2025-26 MCF Board of Trustees. MCF Trustees secure funding for MCF grants through annual fundraising activities and the management of MCF’s endowment. Trustees serve 3-year terms and must be members of the McLean Citizens Association.The MCF website To view more information about joining the MCF Board, visit

If you are interested in serving, please complete theApplication - MCF Trustee (2025)and submit it via e-mail toMCFNominations@mcleancitizens.orgor by U.S. Mail to MCA Nominating Committee, PO Box 273, McLean, VA 22101 postmarked on or before March 10, 2025.

Thank you for supporting the McLean Citizens Association with your Membership.

MCA Nominating Committee